Mixed breed - Basic obedience training

Australian Shepherd/Husky mix (rescue) - Behavior modification & shaping training -Basic obedience training

Border Collie/Bernice Mountain Dog mix - Basic Obedience Training

German Shepherd - Behavior modification & shaping - Collar Training

Mixed breed (rescue) - Behavior modification and shaping

Mixed breed (rescue) - Basic Obedience Program - Collar training

Mixed breed (rescue) - Behavior Modification & Shaping (aggressive behavior & trust issues)

Shi-poo - Behavior modification & shaping (socialization training)

Yellow Labrador - Puppy Program - Collar Training

Weimaraner/Dalmatian Mix - Puppy Program

German Shepherd - Basic Obedience Program

German Shepherd - Basic Obedience Training - Behavior Modification & Shaping

Mixed Breed - Basic Obedience Program - Collar Training

Labradoodle - Behavior Modification & Shaping

Miniature Schnauzer - Puppy Program

Dalmatian - Puppy Program

13 mo Border Collie - Behavior Modification & Shaping - Collar Training

German Shepherd - Basic & Advanced Obedience (refresher course)

Vizsladore - Recall training

Dobberman/Lab (mix) - Behavior Modification & Shaping Training - Boundary Training

German Shepherd - Behavior Modification & Shaping Training - Boundary Training

Pitbull (mix) - Behavior modification & shaping

German Shepherd - Behavior Modification Training

9 m/o German Shepherd - Basic Obedience Program

14 m/o Great Dane - Behavior Modification Training
Our Friends of Past and Present
A quick snapshot of some of
our clients.

Military Working Dogs
Throughout his career, founder and trainer; Brian had the opportunity to work with multiple Military Working Dogs (MWD's). Brian was paired with MWD Nero during Basic Handler's Course, deployed to Iraq with MWD Brit by his side and got to train with dozens of other MWD's along the way.
There are far too many experiences to share from his time in the military to fit in this small space. Here are a few shots from along the way.